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Project Proposal

The creative question that I have chosen for this project is ‘What if extinct animals had to merge with nature to survive’. I then later developed this creative question to ‘What animals can’t die under any circumstance’;  

My specialist pathway for this project is: Illustration. I plan to show the audience how wonderful and weird our planet is. I aim to show the unique and irreplaceable side of nature through my creatures inspired by this side of nature. 


I will develop a large illustration, or a set of smaller illustrations. I will use 2D painting, drawing and collage to evolve my characters designs and perhaps developing these characters into 3D pieces. The materials, techniques and processes that I plan on using and exploring for this project is: collage, watercolours, lino printing, pixel art, art doll, Paper doll. 


My work would be suitable for people interested in the micro world, scientific, perhaps fantastical, surrealist worlds. I am planning to tell stories in both illustration and possibly animation. These characters may form the beginning of a new illustrative book. 


I want my work to be presented like a story, so the illustrations flow into each other. My work will be displayed in college with the public being the audience.  


The primary research that I am using throughout this project is: Natural history museum – this research helped me develop my initial ideas into my creative question and think about the extinct animals and the microscopic animals that can’t die, The Design Museum – sketches for the designs of some of the clothing helped me chose some techniques that I have explored and I am going to use observational drawings of skeletons, skulls and bones that I can look at to see how I can correctly draw certain animals, so I can alter them to develop my ideas. 

I will explore “Extinction” to get an understanding of who, what, when where and why extinction can happen, so it can develop my ideas and get accurate information to base my work off.  


I will also research artists that: I liked the style of, how they presented their work and the materials, techniques and processes they used. Such as: Ellen Jewett, Beatrix Potter, James Gurney. I added new artists: Alice Irwin, Ernst Haeckel and Sunniva Krogseth, to support my developed research into ‘Tardigrades’  

For this project I thought about the ethical and sustainable side of my work. The ethics that I will consider in my work is having appropriation, so when I research an artist and create work based off them, I make sure it isn’t close to the original piece the artist has created. Another ethical side of my project I will keep in mind is the use of materials that I will use throughout my project, I will make sure I don’t use any material that is insensitive to the viewer or is ethically wrong, this also goes with sustainability. The sustainable side of my project will be reusing any material that I can to create more work, like extra ink left over from screen printing I can reuse for another print or saving any that the next person can use.  


I will use is the Idea factory, to visualise my ideas, as this is a successful way for me to generate ideas as is the collage technique, to explore more ideas for my theme. 

Throughout this project I will be using reflective practice, every week I will write a weekly overview and how I think that this project is going, as well as what I thought of each material, technique and process that I have used that week.   


The deadline for this project is the 27th of May, which is the final deadline, and the deadline for practical work is 13th May. 

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